Associate Professor
Institute of Mathematics
Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt
65-67, A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Phone: (+43)463 2700 3127
Fax: (+43)463 2700 3199
E-mail: elena dot resmerita
at aau.at
Short Bio:
- 2013: Habilitation in Mathematics, University of
Klagenfurt, Austria
- 2003: PhD. in Mathematics, University of Haifa, Israel
- 1997: MSc. in Mathematics, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi
- October 2013 - : Associate Professor at the Institute
of Mathematics, Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt
- May 2012 - September 2013: Assistant Professor at the
Institute of Mathematics, Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt (jointly
with an FWF Elise Richter fellowship)
- March 2011 - April 2012: Joint position as Senior
Postdoc (FWF Elise Richter fellowship) and University Assistant at the
Institute of Mathematics, Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria
- 2008 - 2011: Senior Postdoc (FWF Elise Richter
fellowship) at the Industrial Mathematics Institute, Johannes Kepler
University, Linz, Austria
- 2004 - 2008: Research Scientist in the group
"Inverse Problems" at the Radon Institute (RICAM), Austrian
Academy of Sciences
- 1999 - 2003: Research Assistant, University of Haifa,
- 1996 - 1998: Teaching Assistant (tenure-track) at
"Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi,
- List of publications - on
Google Scholar , and on
- Interests: inverse problems (regularization methods for
ill-posed problems), image restoration, continuous optimization, convex
analysis, iterative methods for convex feasibility problems
- Long term research visit: Fellow at the Institute for
Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, California, during March
– June 2020, visiting scholar at IPAM during September - December
- One-month research visits:
- July 2018: Visiting
faculty at at the Department of Applied
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK
- May 2012: Visiting
faculty at the Fields Mathematical Institute, Toronto, Canada
- July 2010: Visiting
scholar at the Department of Mathematics, University of California at Los
- July 2008: Visiting
researcher at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
- Short research visits at: University of California at
Los Angeles, Technical University of Chemnitz, G.A. University of
Goettingen, the CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences in Canberra,
and the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia
My collaborators
Robert S. Anderssen, Joel Barnett, Martin Benning, Christine Boeckmann,
Kristian Bredies, Martin Burger, Dan Butnariu, Christian Clason,
Jerome Darbon, Heinz
Engl, Klaus Frick, Daria Ghilli,
Haemarik, Markus Haltmeier, Lin He,
Bernd Hofmann,
Alfredo Noel Iusem, Miyoun Jung,
Kaltenbacher, Urve Kangro, Stefan Kindermann, Clemens Kirisits, Antonio Leitao, Wen Li,
Dirk Lorenz, Tingwei Meng, Lawrence Mutimbu, Christiane Poeschl, Pornsarp Pornsawad, Ronny Ramlau, Franz Rendl, Otmar
Scherzer, Shoham Sabach, Luminita
Vese, Tobias Wolf
Service to the community
Member of editorial boards:
Member of the managing board of the German Speaking Inverse Problems Society (GIP)
Alps-Adriatic Workshop in Inverse Problems, Klagenfurt
Co-organizer of the workshop: 2019, 2021, 2023
within the European Women in
Mathematics (EWM):
within the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics (A^2WiM):
Romanian Women in Mathematics