Andrei Asinowski

E-mail address:
[my first name].[my family name] @,
[my family name] @

Academic appointments:
2005–2006: Bielefeld University — Universität Bielefeld, Department of Mathematics. Research associate in Information Theory and Complexity working group.
2006–2008: University of Haifa. Postdoctoral researcher at CRI — Caesarea Rothschild Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Sciences.
2008–2010: Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel), Department of Mathematics. Postdoctoral/teaching fellowship.
2010–2011: Technion — Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel). Research staff member at CGGC — The Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing.
2012–2015: Free University of Berlin — Freie Universität Berlin, Institut of Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science working group. Research associate in the Collaborative Research Programme Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms (EuroGIGA), project Combinatorics of Point Sets and Arrangements of Objects (ComPoSe).
2015–2018: Vienna University of Technology — Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, Combinatorics and Algorithms working group. Research associate at in Special Research Programme Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (SFB F50), project Combinatorics of Tree-Like Structures and Enriched Trees.
2018–2021: University of Klagenfurt — Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Institute of Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics working group. Research associate in project Analytic Combinatorics: Digits, Automata and Trees.
Since 2020: University of Klagenfurt — Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Principal investigator in project Generic Rectangulations: Enumerative and Structural Aspects (funded by FWF, grant 32731).

  1. A. Asinowski, A. Holmsen, and M. Katchalski.
    The triples of geometric permutations for families of disjoint translates.
    Discrete Mathematics, 241 (2001), 23–32.

  2. A. Asinowski, A. Holmsen, M. Katchalski, and H. Tverberg.
    Geometric permutations of large families of translates.
    In: Discrete and Computational Geometry: The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, B. Aronov, S. Basu, J. Pach, M. Sharir (eds.), vol. 25 of Algorithms and Combinatorics, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 2003, 157–176.

  3. A. Asinowski and M. Katchalski.
    Forbidden families of geometric permutations in R d.
    Discrete and Computational Geometry, 34 (2005), 1–10.

  4. A. Asinowski and M. Katchalski.
    The maximal number of geometric permutations for n disjoint translates of a convex set in R 3 is Ω(n).
    Discrete and Computational Geometry, 35 (2006), 473–480.

  5. A. Asinowski and T. Mansour.
    Dyck paths with coloured ascents.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2008), 1262–1279.

  6. A. Asinowski.
    Suballowable sequences and geometric permutations.
    Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 4745–4762.

  7. A. Asinowski and A. H. Suk.
    Edge intersection graphs of a system of paths in a grid.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157 (2009), 3174–3180.

  8. A. Asinowski and T. Mansour.
    Separable d-permutations and guillotine partitions.
    Annals of Combinatorics, 14 (2010) 17–43.

  9. A. Asinowski and B. Ries.
    Some properties of edge intersection graphs of single-bend paths on a grid.
    Discrete Mathematics, 212 (2012), 427–440.

  10. G. Aleksandrowicz, A. Asinowski, and G. Barequet.
    A polyominoes-permutations injection and counting tree-like convex polyominoes.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory (Series A), 119 (2012), 503–520.

  11. A. Asinowski, E. Cohen, M. C. Golumbic, V. Limouzy, M. Lipshteyn, and M. Stern.
    Vertex Intersection Graphs of Paths on a Grid.
    Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 16:2 (2012), 129–150.

  12. A. Asinowski, G. Barequet, R. Barequet, and G. Rote.
    Proper n-cell polycubes in n-3 dimensions.
    Journal of Integer Sequences, 15:8 (2012), Article 12.8.4.

  13. G. Aleksandrowicz, A. Asinowski, and G. Barequet.
    Permutations with forbidden patterns and polyominoes on a twisted cylinder of width 3.
    Discrete Mathematics, 313:10 (2013), 1078–1086.

  14. A. Asinowski, G. Barequet, M. Bousquet-Mélou, T. Mansour, and R. Y. Pinter.
    Orders induced by segments in floorplan partitions and (2-14-3, 3-41-2)-avoiding permutations.
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20:2 (2013), Paper P35.

  15. A. Asinowski, J. Cardinal, N. Cohen, S. Collette, T. Hackl, M. Hoffmann, K. Knauer, S. Langerman, M. Lasoń, P. Micek, G. Rote, and T. Ueckerdt.
    Coloring hypergraphs induced by dynamic point sets and bottomless rectangles.
    In Proc. Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 8037 (2013), 73–84.

  16. A. Asinowski, G. Barequet, T. Mansour, and R. Y. Pinter.
    Cut equivalence of d-dimensional guillotine partitions.
    Discrete Mathematics, 331 (2014), 165–174.

  17. O. Aichholzer, A. Asinowski, and T. Miltzow.
    Disjoint compatibility graph of non-crossing matchings of points in convex position.
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22:1 (2015), #P1.65.

  18. A. Asinowski, T. Miltzow, and G. Rote.
    Quasi-parallel segments and characterization of unique bichromatic matchings.
    Journal of Computational Geometry, 6:1 (2015).

  19. A. Asinowski and A. Regev.
    Triangulations with few ears: Symmetry classes and disjointness.
    Integers, 6 (2016), Paper A5.

  20. A. Asinowski, B. Keszegh, and T. Miltzow.
    Counting houses of Pareto optimal matchings in the house allocation problem.
    Discrete Mathematics, 339:12 (2016), 2919–2932.

  21. A. Asinowski, C. Krattenthaler, and T. Mansour.
    Counting triangulations of some classes of subdivided convex polygons.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 62 (2017), 92–114.

  22. G. Aleksandrowicz, A. Asinowski, G. Barequet, and R. Barequet.
    Recovering highly-complex linear recurrences of integer sequences.
    Information Processing Letters, 127 (2017), 62–66.

  23. A. Asinowski and G. Rote.
    Point sets with many non-crossing perfect matchings.
    Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 68 (2018), 7–33.

  24. A. Asinowski, A. Bacher, C. Banderier, and B. Gittenberger.
    Analytic combinatorics of lattice paths with forbidden patterns, the vectorial kernel method, and generating functions for pushdown automata.
    Algorithmica, 82:3 (2020) (special issue on Analysis of Algorithms), 386–428.

  25. A. Asinowski, C. Banderier, and B. Hackl.
    Flip-sort and combinatorial aspects of pop-stack sorting.
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 22 no. 2 (2021), special issue Permutation Patterns 2019.

  26. A. Asinowski, B. Hackl, and S. J. Selkirk.
    Down-step statistics in generalized Dyck paths.
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 24 no. 1 (2022).

  27. A. Asinowski, C. Banderier, and S. J. Selkirk.
    From Kreweras to Gessel: A walk through patterns in the quarter plane.
    Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 89B (2023).

  28. A. Asinowski and C. Banderier.
    From geometry to generating functions: Rectangulations and permutations.

  29. A. Asinowski, J. Cardinal, S. Felsner, and É. Fusy.
    Combinatorics of rectangulations: Old and new bijections.

  30. A. Asinowski, G. Barequet, G. Ben-Shachar, M. C. Osegueda, and G. Rote.
    On the Number of Compositions of Two Polycubes.
    Computing in Geometry and Topology, 3(1), 4:1–4:18.